class Rivet::CumulantAnalysis::CorSingleBin


The basic quantity filled in an ECorrelator. More…

Inherits from Rivet::CumulantAnalysis::CorBinBase

Public Functions

Default constructor.
voidfill(const pair< double, double > & cor, const double & weight =1.0)
Fill a correlator bin with the return type from a Correlator.
doublemean() const
doublesumW() const
Sum of weights.
doublesumW2() const
Sum of weights-squared.
doublesumWX() const
Sum of weight * X.
doublenumEntries() const
Number of entries.
voidaddContent(double ne, double sw, double sw2, double swx)
Add to all the entries.

Detailed Description

class Rivet::CumulantAnalysis::CorSingleBin;

The basic quantity filled in an ECorrelator.

It is a simple counter with an even simpler structure than normal YODA type DBNs, but added functionality to test for out of bounds correlators.

Public Functions Documentation

function CorSingleBin

inline CorSingleBin()

Default constructor.

function ~CorSingleBin

inline ~CorSingleBin()

function fill

inline void fill(
    const pair< double, double > & cor,
    const double & weight =1.0

Fill a correlator bin with the return type from a Correlator.

The pair gives the numerator and denominator of _event.

function mean

inline double mean() const


function sumW

inline double sumW() const

Sum of weights.

function sumW2

inline double sumW2() const

Sum of weights-squared.

function sumWX

inline double sumWX() const

Sum of weight * X.

function numEntries

inline double numEntries() const

Number of entries.

function addContent

inline void addContent(
    double ne,
    double sw,
    double sw2,
    double swx

Add to all the entries.

Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:16 +0100