// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_EventMixingFinalState_HH
#define RIVET_EventMixingFinalState_HH
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/ParticleFinder.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/Random.hh"
#include <deque>
#include <algorithm>
namespace Rivet {
// @brief Projects out an event mixed of several events, given
// a mixing observable (eg. number of final state particles),
// defining what should qualify as a mixable event.
// Binning in the mixing observable is defined in the constructor,
// as is the number of events one wants to mix with.
// The method calculateMixingObs() must can be overloaded
// in derived classes, to provide the definition of the mixing observable,
// on the provided projection, eg. centrality or something more elaborate.
// The implementation can correcly handle mixing of weighted events, but
// not multi-weighted events. Nor does the implementation attemt to handle
// calculation of one (or more) event weights for the mixed events. For most
// common use cases, like calculating a background sample, this is sufficient.
// If a more elaborate use case ever turns up, this must be reevaluated.
// @author Christian Bierlich <christian.bierlich@thep.lu.se>
// Weighted random shuffle, similar to std::random_shuffle, which
// allows the passing of a weight for each element to be shuffled.
template <class RandomAccessIterator,
class WeightIterator, class RandomNumberGenerator>
void weighted_shuffle(RandomAccessIterator first, RandomAccessIterator last,
WeightIterator fw, WeightIterator lw, RandomNumberGenerator& g) {
while(first != last && fw != lw) {
std::discrete_distribution<int> weightDist(fw, lw);
int i = weightDist(g);
std::iter_swap(first, next(first, i));
std::iter_swap(fw, next(fw, i));
// A MixEvent is a vector of particles with and associated weight.
typedef pair<Particles, double> MixEvent;
typedef map<double, std::deque<MixEvent> > MixMap;
class EventMixingBase : public Projection {
// Constructor
EventMixingBase(const Projection & mixObsProj, const ParticleFinder& mix,
size_t nMixIn, double oMin, double oMax, double deltao,
const size_t defaultIdx) : nMix(nMixIn), unitWeights(true) {
// The base class contructor should be called explicitly in derived classes
// to add projections below.
MSG_WARNING("EventMixing is not fully validated. Use with caution.");
_defaultWeightIdx = defaultIdx;
// Set up the map for mixing events.
for(double o = oMin; o < oMax; o+=deltao )
mixEvents[o] = std::deque<MixEvent>();
// Test if we have enough mixing events available for projected,
// current mixing observable.
bool hasMixingEvents() const {
MixMap::const_iterator mixItr = mixEvents.lower_bound(mObs);
if(mixItr == mixEvents.end() || mixItr->second.size() < nMix + 1)
return false;
return true;
// Return a vector of mixing events.
vector<MixEvent> getMixingEvents() const {
if (!hasMixingEvents())
return vector<MixEvent>();
MixMap::const_iterator mixItr = mixEvents.lower_bound(mObs);
return vector<MixEvent>(mixItr->second.begin(), mixItr->second.end() - 1);
// Return a vector of particles from the mixing events. Can
// be overloaded in derived classes, though normally not neccesary.
virtual const Particles particles() const {
// Test if we have enough mixing events.
if (!hasMixingEvents())
return Particles();
// Get mixing events for the current, projected mixing observable.
MixMap::const_iterator mixItr = mixEvents.lower_bound(mObs);
vector<MixEvent> mixEvents(mixItr->second.begin(), mixItr->second.end() - 1);
// Make the vector of mixed particles.
Particles mixParticles;
vector<double> weights;
size_t pSize = 0;
for (size_t i = 0; i < mixEvents.size(); ++i)
// Put the particles in the vector.
for (size_t i = 0; i < mixEvents.size(); ++i) {
mixParticles.insert(mixParticles.end(), mixEvents[i].first.begin(), mixEvents[i].first.end());
vector<double> tmp(mixEvents[i].first.size(), mixEvents[i].second);
weights.insert(weights.end(), tmp.begin(), tmp.end());
// Shuffle the particles.
if (unitWeights) {
// Use the thread safe random number generator.
//auto rnd = [&] (int i) {return rng()()%i;};
std::shuffle(mixParticles.begin(), mixParticles.end(), rng());
return mixParticles;
} else {
weighted_shuffle(mixParticles.begin(), mixParticles.end(), weights.begin(), weights.end(), rng());
Particles tmp = vector<Particle>(mixParticles.begin(), mixParticles.begin() + size_t(ceil(mixParticles.size() / 2)));
return tmp;
// Calulate mixing observable.
// Must be overloaded in derived classes.
virtual void calculateMixingObs(const Projection* mProj) = 0;
void project(const Event& e) {
const Projection* mixObsProjPtr = &applyProjection<Projection>(e, "OBS");
MixMap::iterator mixItr = mixEvents.lower_bound(mObs);
if (mixItr == mixEvents.end()){
// We are out of bounds.
MSG_DEBUG("Mixing observable out of bounds.");
const Particles mix = applyProjection<ParticleFinder>(e, "MIX").particles();
// Assume unit weights until we see otherwise.
if (unitWeights && e.weights()[_defaultWeightIdx] != 1.0 ) {
unitWeights = false;
nMix *= 2;
if (mixItr->second.size() > nMix + 1)
CmpState compare(const Projection& p) const {
return mkNamedPCmp(p,"OBS");
double mObs;
size_t nMix;
MixMap mixEvents;
bool unitWeights;
size_t _defaultWeightIdx;
// EventMixingFinalState has multiplicity as the mixing observable
class EventMixingFinalState : public EventMixingBase {
EventMixingFinalState(const ParticleFinder & mixObsProj,
const ParticleFinder& mix, size_t nMixIn, double oMin, double oMax,
double deltao, const size_t defaultIdx) :
EventMixingBase(mixObsProj, mix, nMixIn, oMin, oMax, deltao, defaultIdx) {
// Calculate mixing observable
virtual void calculateMixingObs(const Projection* mProj) {
mObs = ((ParticleFinder*) mProj)->particles().size();
// EventMixingCentrality has centrality as the mixing observable
class EventMixingCentrality : public EventMixingBase {
EventMixingCentrality(const CentralityProjection& mixObsProj,
const ParticleFinder& mix, size_t nMixIn, double oMin, double oMax,
double deltao, const size_t defaultIdx) :
EventMixingBase(mixObsProj, mix, nMixIn, oMin, oMax, deltao, defaultIdx) {
virtual void calculateMixingObs(const Projection* mProj) {
mObs = ((CentralityProjection*) mProj)->operator()();