file /home/anarendran/Documents/temp/rivet/include/Rivet/Projections/SmearedJets.hh





Wrapper projection for smearing Jets with detector resolutions and efficiencies.

Source code

// -*- C++ -*-
#ifndef RIVET_SmearedJets_HH
#define RIVET_SmearedJets_HH

#include "Rivet/Jet.hh"
#include "Rivet/Particle.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projection.hh"
#include "Rivet/Projections/JetAlg.hh"
#include "Rivet/Tools/SmearingFunctions.hh"
#include <functional>

namespace Rivet {

  // // Recursive variadic template arg decoding
  // namespace {
  //   template<typename T>
  //   vector<JetEffSmearFn>& toEffSmearFns(vector<JetEffSmearFn>& v, const T& t) {
  //     v.push_back(JetEffSmearFn(t));
  //     return v;
  //   }
  //   template<typename T, typename... ARGS>
  //   vector<JetEffSmearFn>& toEffSmearFns(vector<JetEffSmearFn>& v, const T& first, ARGS... args) {
  //     v.push_back(JetEffSmearFn(first));
  //     toEffSmearFns(v, args...);
  //     return v;
  //   }
  // }

  class SmearedJets : public JetFinder {

    SmearedJets(const JetFinder& ja,
                const JetSmearFn& smearFn,
                const JetEffFn& bTagEffFn=JET_BTAG_PERFECT,
                const JetEffFn& cTagEffFn=JET_CTAG_PERFECT)
      : SmearedJets(ja, vector<JetEffSmearFn>{smearFn}, bTagEffFn, cTagEffFn)
    {    }

    SmearedJets(const JetFinder& ja,
                const JetEffFn& bTagEffFn=JET_BTAG_PERFECT,
                const JetEffFn& cTagEffFn=JET_CTAG_PERFECT,
                const initializer_list<JetEffSmearFn>& effSmearFns={})
      : SmearedJets(ja, vector<JetEffSmearFn>{effSmearFns}, bTagEffFn, cTagEffFn)
    {    }

    SmearedJets(const JetFinder& ja,
                const JetEffFn& bTagEffFn=JET_BTAG_PERFECT,
                const JetEffFn& cTagEffFn=JET_CTAG_PERFECT,
                const vector<JetEffSmearFn>& effSmearFns={})
      : SmearedJets(ja, effSmearFns, bTagEffFn, cTagEffFn)
    {    }

    SmearedJets(const JetFinder& ja,
                const initializer_list<JetEffSmearFn>& effSmearFns,
                const JetEffFn& bTagEffFn=JET_BTAG_PERFECT,
                const JetEffFn& cTagEffFn=JET_CTAG_PERFECT)
      : SmearedJets(ja, vector<JetEffSmearFn>{effSmearFns}, bTagEffFn, cTagEffFn)
    {    }

    SmearedJets(const JetFinder& ja,
                const vector<JetEffSmearFn>& effSmearFns,
                const JetEffFn& bTagEffFn=JET_BTAG_PERFECT,
                const JetEffFn& cTagEffFn=JET_CTAG_PERFECT)
      : _detFns(effSmearFns), _bTagEffFn(bTagEffFn), _cTagEffFn(cTagEffFn)
      declare(ja, "TruthJets");

    SmearedJets(const JetFinder& ja,
                const JetSmearFn& smearFn,
                const JetEffFn& bTagEffFn,
                const JetEffFn& cTagEffFn,
                const JetEffFn& jetEffFn)
      : SmearedJets(ja, {jetEffFn,smearFn}, bTagEffFn, cTagEffFn)
    {    }


    CmpState compare(const Projection& p) const {
      // Compare truth jets definitions
      const CmpState teq = mkPCmp(p, "TruthJets");
      if (teq != CmpState::EQ) return teq;

      // Compare lists of detector functions
      const SmearedJets& other = dynamic_cast<const SmearedJets&>(p);
      const CmpState nfeq = cmp(_detFns.size(), other._detFns.size());
      if (nfeq != CmpState::EQ) return nfeq;
      for (size_t i = 0; i < _detFns.size(); ++i) {
        const CmpState feq = _detFns[i].cmp(other._detFns[i]);
        if (feq != CmpState::EQ) return feq;

      // If we got this far, we're equal
      return CmpState::EQ;

    void project(const Event& e) {
      // Copying and filtering
      const Jets& truthjets = apply<JetFinder>(e, "TruthJets").jetsByPt(); //truthJets();
      _recojets.clear(); _recojets.reserve(truthjets.size());
      // Apply jet smearing and efficiency transforms
      for (const Jet& j : truthjets) {
        Jet jdet = j;
        bool keep = true;
        MSG_DEBUG("Truth jet: " << "mom=" << << " GeV, pT=" << jdet.pT()/GeV << ", eta=" << jdet.eta());
        for (const JetEffSmearFn& fn : _detFns) {
          double jeff = -1;
          std::tie(jdet, jeff) = fn(jdet); // smear & eff
          // Re-add constituents & tags if (we assume accidentally) they were lost by the smearing function
          if (jdet.particles().empty() && !j.particles().empty()) jdet.particles() = j.particles();
          if (jdet.tags().empty() && !j.tags().empty()) jdet.tags() = j.tags();
          MSG_DEBUG("         ->" << "mom=" << << " GeV, pT=" << jdet.pT()/GeV << ", eta=" << jdet.eta());
          // MSG_DEBUG("New det jet: "
          //           << "mom=" << << " GeV, pT=" << jdet.pT()/GeV << ", eta=" << jdet.eta()
          //           << ", b-tag=" << boolalpha << jdet.bTagged()
          //           << ", c-tag=" << boolalpha << jdet.cTagged()
          //           << " : eff=" << 100*jeff << "%");
          if (jeff <= 0) { keep = false; break; } //< no need to roll expensive dice (and we deal with -ve probabilities, just in case)
          if (jeff < 1 && rand01() > jeff)  { keep = false; break; } //< roll dice (and deal with >1 probabilities, just in case)
        if (keep) _recojets.push_back(jdet);
      // Apply tagging efficiencies, using smeared kinematics as input to the tag eff functions
      for (Jet& j : _recojets) {
        // Decide whether or not there should be a b-tag on this jet
        const double beff = _bTagEffFn ? _bTagEffFn(j) : j.bTagged();
        const bool btag = beff == 1 || (beff != 0 && rand01() < beff);
        // Remove b-tags if needed, and add a dummy one if needed
        if (!btag && j.bTagged()) j.tags().erase(std::remove_if(j.tags().begin(), j.tags().end(), hasBottom), j.tags().end());
        if (btag && !j.bTagged()) j.tags().push_back(Particle(PID::BQUARK,; 
        // Decide whether or not there should be a c-tag on this jet
        const double ceff = _cTagEffFn ? _cTagEffFn(j) : j.cTagged();
        const bool ctag = ceff == 1 || (ceff != 0 && rand01() < beff);
        // Remove c-tags if needed, and add a dummy one if needed
        if (!ctag && j.cTagged()) j.tags().erase(std::remove_if(j.tags().begin(), j.tags().end(), hasCharm), j.tags().end());
        if (ctag && !j.cTagged()) j.tags().push_back(Particle(PID::CQUARK,; 

    Jets _jets() const { return _recojets; }

    const Jets truthJets() const {
      return getProjection<JetFinder>("TruthJets").jetsByPt();

    void reset() { _recojets.clear(); }


    Jets _recojets;

    vector<JetEffSmearFn> _detFns;

    JetEffFn _bTagEffFn, _cTagEffFn;




Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:18 +0100