file /home/anarendran/Documents/temp/rivet/include/Rivet/Math/Vector4.hh
Name |
Rivet |
Name | |
class | Rivet::FourVector Specialisation of VectorN to a general (non-momentum) Lorentz 4-vector. |
class | Rivet::FourMomentum Specialized version of the FourVector with momentum/energy functionality. |
Source code
#include "Rivet/Tools/TypeTraits.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/MathConstants.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/MathUtils.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/VectorN.hh"
#include "Rivet/Math/Vector3.hh"
namespace Rivet {
class FourVector;
typedef FourVector Vector4;
typedef FourVector V4;
class FourMomentum;
typedef FourMomentum P4;
class LorentzTransform;
FourVector transform(const LorentzTransform& lt, const FourVector& v4);
class FourVector : public Vector<4> {
friend FourVector multiply(const double a, const FourVector& v);
friend FourVector multiply(const FourVector& v, const double a);
friend FourVector add(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b);
friend FourVector transform(const LorentzTransform& lt, const FourVector& v4);
FourVector() : Vector<4>() { }
template<typename V4TYPE, typename std::enable_if<HasXYZT<V4TYPE>::value, int>::type DUMMY=0>
FourVector(const V4TYPE& other) {
FourVector(const Vector<4>& other)
: Vector<4>(other) { }
FourVector(const double t, const double x, const double y, const double z) {
virtual ~FourVector() { }
double t() const { return get(0); }
double t2() const { return sqr(t()); }
FourVector& setT(const double t) { set(0, t); return *this; }
double x() const { return get(1); }
double x2() const { return sqr(x()); }
FourVector& setX(const double x) { set(1, x); return *this; }
double y() const { return get(2); }
double y2() const { return sqr(y()); }
FourVector& setY(const double y) { set(2, y); return *this; }
double z() const { return get(3); }
double z2() const { return sqr(z()); }
FourVector& setZ(const double z) { set(3, z); return *this; }
double invariant() const {
// Done this way for numerical precision
return (t() + z())*(t() - z()) - x()*x() - y()*y();
bool isNull() const {
return Rivet::isZero(invariant());
double angle(const FourVector& v) const {
return vector3().angle( v.vector3() );
double angle(const Vector3& v3) const {
return vector3().angle(v3);
double polarRadius2() const {
return vector3().polarRadius2();
double perp2() const {
return vector3().perp2();
double rho2() const {
return vector3().rho2();
double polarRadius() const {
return vector3().polarRadius();
double perp() const {
return vector3().perp();
double rho() const {
return vector3().rho();
Vector3 polarVec() const {
return vector3().polarVec();
Vector3 perpVec() const {
return vector3().perpVec();
Vector3 rhoVec() const {
return vector3().rhoVec();
double azimuthalAngle(const PhiMapping mapping=ZERO_2PI) const {
return vector3().azimuthalAngle(mapping);
double phi(const PhiMapping mapping=ZERO_2PI) const {
return vector3().phi(mapping);
double polarAngle() const {
return vector3().polarAngle();
double theta() const {
return vector3().theta();
double pseudorapidity() const {
return vector3().pseudorapidity();
double eta() const {
return vector3().eta();
double abspseudorapidity() const { return fabs(eta()); }
double abseta() const { return fabs(eta()); }
Vector3 vector3() const {
return Vector3(get(1), get(2), get(3));
operator Vector3 () const { return vector3(); }
double contract(const FourVector& v) const {
const double result = t()*v.t() - x()*v.x() - y()*v.y() - z()*v.z();
return result;
double dot(const FourVector& v) const {
return contract(v);
double operator * (const FourVector& v) const {
return contract(v);
FourVector& operator *= (double a) {
_vec = multiply(a, *this)._vec;
return *this;
FourVector& operator /= (double a) {
_vec = multiply(1.0/a, *this)._vec;
return *this;
FourVector& operator += (const FourVector& v) {
_vec = add(*this, v)._vec;
return *this;
FourVector& operator -= (const FourVector& v) {
_vec = add(*this, -v)._vec;
return *this;
FourVector operator - () const {
FourVector result;
result._vec = -_vec;
return result;
FourVector reverse() const {
FourVector result = -*this;
return result;
inline double contract(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return a.contract(b);
inline double dot(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return contract(a, b);
inline FourVector multiply(const double a, const FourVector& v) {
FourVector result;
result._vec = a * v._vec;
return result;
inline FourVector multiply(const FourVector& v, const double a) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourVector operator * (const double a, const FourVector& v) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourVector operator * (const FourVector& v, const double a) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourVector operator / (const FourVector& v, const double a) {
return multiply(1.0/a, v);
inline FourVector add(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
FourVector result;
result._vec = a._vec + b._vec;
return result;
inline FourVector operator+(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return add(a, b);
inline FourVector operator-(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return add(a, -b);
inline double invariant(const FourVector& lv) {
return lv.invariant();
inline double angle(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b) {
return a.angle(b);
inline double angle(const Vector3& a, const FourVector& b) {
return angle( a, b.vector3() );
inline double angle(const FourVector& a, const Vector3& b) {
return a.angle(b);
class FourMomentum : public FourVector {
friend FourMomentum multiply(const double a, const FourMomentum& v);
friend FourMomentum multiply(const FourMomentum& v, const double a);
friend FourMomentum add(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b);
friend FourMomentum transform(const LorentzTransform& lt, const FourMomentum& v4);
FourMomentum() { }
template<typename V4TYPE, typename std::enable_if<HasXYZT<V4TYPE>::value, int>::type DUMMY=0>
FourMomentum(const V4TYPE& other) {
FourMomentum(const Vector<4>& other)
: FourVector(other) { }
FourMomentum(const double E, const double px, const double py, const double pz) {
~FourMomentum() {}
FourMomentum& setE(double E) {
return *this;
FourMomentum& setPx(double px) {
return *this;
FourMomentum& setPy(double py) {
return *this;
FourMomentum& setPz(double pz) {
return *this;
FourMomentum& setPE(double px, double py, double pz, double E) {
if (E < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative energy given as argument: " + to_str(E));
setPx(px); setPy(py); setPz(pz); setE(E);
return *this;
FourMomentum& setXYZE(double px, double py, double pz, double E) {
return setPE(px, py, pz, E);
// /// Near-alias with switched arg order
// FourMomentum& setEP(double E, double px, double py, double pz) {
// return setPE(px, py, pz, E);
// }
// /// Alias for setEP
// FourMomentum& setEXYZ(double E, double px, double py, double pz) {
// return setEP(E, px, py, pz);
// }
FourMomentum& setPM(double px, double py, double pz, double mass) {
if (mass < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative mass given as argument: " + to_str(mass));
const double E = sqrt( sqr(mass) + sqr(px) + sqr(py) + sqr(pz) );
// setPx(px); setPy(py); setPz(pz); setE(E);
return setPE(px, py, pz, E);
FourMomentum& setXYZM(double px, double py, double pz, double mass) {
return setPM(px, py, pz, mass);
FourMomentum& setEtaPhiME(double eta, double phi, double mass, double E) {
if (mass < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative mass given as argument");
if (E < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative energy given as argument");
const double theta = 2 * atan(exp(-eta));
if (theta < 0 || theta > M_PI)
throw std::domain_error("Polar angle outside 0..pi in calculation");
setThetaPhiME(theta, phi, mass, E);
return *this;
FourMomentum& setEtaPhiMPt(double eta, double phi, double mass, double pt) {
if (mass < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative mass given as argument");
if (pt < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative transverse momentum given as argument");
const double theta = 2 * atan(exp(-eta));
if (theta < 0 || theta > M_PI)
throw std::domain_error("Polar angle outside 0..pi in calculation");
const double p = pt / sin(theta);
const double E = sqrt( sqr(p) + sqr(mass) );
setThetaPhiME(theta, phi, mass, E);
return *this;
FourMomentum& setRapPhiME(double y, double phi, double mass, double E) {
if (mass < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative mass given as argument");
if (E < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative energy given as argument");
const double sqrt_pt2_m2 = E / cosh(y);
const double pt = sqrt( sqr(sqrt_pt2_m2) - sqr(mass) );
if (pt < 0)
throw std::domain_error("Negative transverse momentum in calculation");
const double pz = sqrt_pt2_m2 * sinh(y);
const double px = pt * cos(phi);
const double py = pt * sin(phi);
setPE(px, py, pz, E);
return *this;
FourMomentum& setRapPhiMPt(double y, double phi, double mass, double pt) {
if (mass < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative mass given as argument");
if (pt < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative transverse mass given as argument");
const double E = sqrt( sqr(pt) + sqr(mass) ) * cosh(y);
if (E < 0)
throw std::domain_error("Negative energy in calculation");
setRapPhiME(y, phi, mass, E);
return *this;
FourMomentum& setThetaPhiME(double theta, double phi, double mass, double E) {
if (theta < 0 || theta > M_PI)
throw std::invalid_argument("Polar angle outside 0..pi given as argument");
if (mass < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative mass given as argument");
if (E < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative energy given as argument");
const double p = sqrt( sqr(E) - sqr(mass) );
const double pz = p * cos(theta);
const double pt = p * sin(theta);
if (pt < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative transverse momentum in calculation");
const double px = pt * cos(phi);
const double py = pt * sin(phi);
setPE(px, py, pz, E);
return *this;
FourMomentum& setThetaPhiMPt(double theta, double phi, double mass, double pt) {
if (theta < 0 || theta > M_PI)
throw std::invalid_argument("Polar angle outside 0..pi given as argument");
if (mass < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative mass given as argument");
if (pt < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative transverse momentum given as argument");
const double p = pt / sin(theta);
const double px = pt * cos(phi);
const double py = pt * sin(phi);
const double pz = p * cos(theta);
const double E = sqrt( sqr(p) + sqr(mass) );
setPE(px, py, pz, E);
return *this;
FourMomentum& setPtPhiME(double pt, double phi, double mass, double E) {
if (pt < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative transverse momentum given as argument");
if (mass < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative mass given as argument");
if (E < 0)
throw std::invalid_argument("Negative energy given as argument");
const double px = pt * cos(phi);
const double py = pt * sin(phi);
const double pz = sqrt(sqr(E) - sqr(mass) - sqr(pt));
setPE(px, py, pz, E);
return *this;
double E() const { return t(); }
double E2() const { return t2(); }
double px() const { return x(); }
double px2() const { return x2(); }
double py() const { return y(); }
double py2() const { return y2(); }
double pz() const { return z(); }
double pz2() const { return z2(); }
double mass() const {
// assert(Rivet::isZero(mass2()) || mass2() > 0);
// if (Rivet::isZero(mass2())) {
// return 0.0;
// } else {
// return sqrt(mass2());
// }
return sign(mass2()) * sqrt(fabs(mass2()));
double mass2() const {
return invariant();
Vector3 p3() const { return vector3(); }
double p() const {
return p3().mod();
double p2() const {
return p3().mod2();
double rapidity() const {
return 0.5 * std::log( (E() + pz()) / (E() - pz()) );
double rap() const {
return rapidity();
double absrapidity() const {
return fabs(rapidity());
double absrap() const {
return fabs(rap());
Vector3 pTvec() const {
return p3().polarVec();
Vector3 ptvec() const {
return pTvec();
double pT2() const {
return vector3().polarRadius2();
double pt2() const {
return vector3().polarRadius2();
double pT() const {
return sqrt(pT2());
double pt() const {
return sqrt(pT2());
double Et2() const {
return Et() * Et();
double Et() const {
return E() * sin(polarAngle());
double gamma() const {
return sqrt(E2()/mass2());
Vector3 gammaVec() const {
return gamma() * p3().unit();
double beta() const {
return p()/E();
Vector3 betaVec() const {
// return Vector3(px()/E(), py()/E(), pz()/E());
return p3()/E();
struct byEAscending {
bool operator()(const FourMomentum& left, const FourMomentum& right) const{
const double pt2left = left.E();
const double pt2right = right.E();
return pt2left < pt2right;
bool operator()(const FourMomentum* left, const FourMomentum* right) const{
return (*this)(*left, *right);
struct byEDescending {
bool operator()(const FourMomentum& left, const FourMomentum& right) const{
return byEAscending()(right, left);
bool operator()(const FourMomentum* left, const FourVector* right) const{
return (*this)(*left, *right);
FourMomentum& operator*=(double a) {
_vec = multiply(a, *this)._vec;
return *this;
FourMomentum& operator/=(double a) {
_vec = multiply(1.0/a, *this)._vec;
return *this;
FourMomentum& operator+=(const FourMomentum& v) {
_vec = add(*this, v)._vec;
return *this;
FourMomentum& operator-=(const FourMomentum& v) {
_vec = add(*this, -v)._vec;
return *this;
FourMomentum operator-() const {
FourMomentum result;
result._vec = -_vec;
return result;
FourMomentum reverse() const {
FourMomentum result = -*this;
return result;
static FourMomentum mkXYZE(double px, double py, double pz, double E) {
return FourMomentum().setPE(px, py, pz, E);
static FourMomentum mkXYZM(double px, double py, double pz, double mass) {
return FourMomentum().setPM(px, py, pz, mass);
static FourMomentum mkEtaPhiME(double eta, double phi, double mass, double E) {
return FourMomentum().setEtaPhiME(eta, phi, mass, E);
static FourMomentum mkEtaPhiMPt(double eta, double phi, double mass, double pt) {
return FourMomentum().setEtaPhiMPt(eta, phi, mass, pt);
static FourMomentum mkRapPhiME(double y, double phi, double mass, double E) {
return FourMomentum().setRapPhiME(y, phi, mass, E);
static FourMomentum mkRapPhiMPt(double y, double phi, double mass, double pt) {
return FourMomentum().setRapPhiMPt(y, phi, mass, pt);
static FourMomentum mkThetaPhiME(double theta, double phi, double mass, double E) {
return FourMomentum().setThetaPhiME(theta, phi, mass, E);
static FourMomentum mkThetaPhiMPt(double theta, double phi, double mass, double pt) {
return FourMomentum().setThetaPhiMPt(theta, phi, mass, pt);
static FourMomentum mkPtPhiME(double pt, double phi, double mass, double E) {
return FourMomentum().setPtPhiME(pt, phi, mass, E);
inline FourMomentum multiply(const double a, const FourMomentum& v) {
FourMomentum result;
result._vec = a * v._vec;
return result;
inline FourMomentum multiply(const FourMomentum& v, const double a) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourMomentum operator*(const double a, const FourMomentum& v) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourMomentum operator*(const FourMomentum& v, const double a) {
return multiply(a, v);
inline FourMomentum operator/(const FourMomentum& v, const double a) {
return multiply(1.0/a, v);
inline FourMomentum add(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
FourMomentum result;
result._vec = a._vec + b._vec;
return result;
inline FourMomentum operator+(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return add(a, b);
inline FourMomentum operator-(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return add(a, -b);
inline double deltaR2(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR2(a.vector3(), b.vector3());
const FourMomentum* ma = dynamic_cast<const FourMomentum*>(&a);
const FourMomentum* mb = dynamic_cast<const FourMomentum*>(&b);
if (!ma || !mb) {
string err = "deltaR with scheme RAPIDITY can only be called with FourMomentum objects, not FourVectors";
throw std::runtime_error(err);
return deltaR2(*ma, *mb, scheme);
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return sqrt(deltaR2(a, b, scheme));
inline double deltaR2(const FourVector& v,
double eta2, double phi2,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR2(v.vector3(), eta2, phi2);
const FourMomentum* mv = dynamic_cast<const FourMomentum*>(&v);
if (!mv) {
string err = "deltaR with scheme RAPIDITY can only be called with FourMomentum objects, not FourVectors";
throw std::runtime_error(err);
return deltaR2(*mv, eta2, phi2, scheme);
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(const FourVector& v,
double eta2, double phi2,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return sqrt(deltaR2(v, eta2, phi2, scheme));
inline double deltaR2(double eta1, double phi1,
const FourVector& v,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR2(eta1, phi1, v.vector3());
const FourMomentum* mv = dynamic_cast<const FourMomentum*>(&v);
if (!mv) {
string err = "deltaR with scheme RAPIDITY can only be called with FourMomentum objects, not FourVectors";
throw std::runtime_error(err);
return deltaR2(eta1, phi1, *mv, scheme);
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(double eta1, double phi1,
const FourVector& v,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return sqrt(deltaR2(eta1, phi1, v, scheme));
inline double deltaR2(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR2(a.vector3(), b.vector3());
return deltaR2(a.rapidity(), a.azimuthalAngle(), b.rapidity(), b.azimuthalAngle());
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return sqrt(deltaR2(a, b, scheme));
inline double deltaR2(const FourMomentum& v,
double eta2, double phi2,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR2(v.vector3(), eta2, phi2);
return deltaR2(v.rapidity(), v.azimuthalAngle(), eta2, phi2);
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(const FourMomentum& v,
double eta2, double phi2,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return sqrt(deltaR2(v, eta2, phi2, scheme));
inline double deltaR2(double eta1, double phi1,
const FourMomentum& v,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR2(eta1, phi1, v.vector3());
return deltaR2(eta1, phi1, v.rapidity(), v.azimuthalAngle());
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(double eta1, double phi1,
const FourMomentum& v,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return sqrt(deltaR2(eta1, phi1, v, scheme));
inline double deltaR2(const FourMomentum& a, const FourVector& b,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
switch (scheme) {
return deltaR2(a.vector3(), b.vector3());
return deltaR2(a.rapidity(), a.azimuthalAngle(), FourMomentum(b).rapidity(), b.azimuthalAngle());
throw std::runtime_error("The specified deltaR scheme is not yet implemented");
inline double deltaR(const FourMomentum& a, const FourVector& b,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return sqrt(deltaR2(a, b, scheme));
inline double deltaR2(const FourVector& a, const FourMomentum& b,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return deltaR2(b, a, scheme); //< note reversed args
inline double deltaR(const FourVector& a, const FourMomentum& b,
RapScheme scheme=PSEUDORAPIDITY) {
return deltaR(b, a, scheme); //< note reversed args
inline double deltaR2(const FourMomentum& a, const Vector3& b) {
return deltaR2(a.vector3(), b);
inline double deltaR(const FourMomentum& a, const Vector3& b) {
return deltaR(a.vector3(), b);
inline double deltaR2(const Vector3& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return deltaR2(a, b.vector3());
inline double deltaR(const Vector3& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return deltaR(a, b.vector3());
inline double deltaR2(const FourVector& a, const Vector3& b) {
return deltaR2(a.vector3(), b);
inline double deltaR(const FourVector& a, const Vector3& b) {
return deltaR(a.vector3(), b);
inline double deltaR2(const Vector3& a, const FourVector& b) {
return deltaR2(a, b.vector3());
inline double deltaR(const Vector3& a, const FourVector& b) {
return deltaR(a, b.vector3());
inline double deltaPhi(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(a.vector3(), b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const FourMomentum& v, double phi2, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(v.vector3(), phi2, sign);
inline double deltaPhi(double phi1, const FourMomentum& v, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(phi1, v.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(a.vector3(), b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const FourVector& v, double phi2, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(v.vector3(), phi2, sign);
inline double deltaPhi(double phi1, const FourVector& v, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(phi1, v.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const FourVector& a, const FourMomentum& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(a.vector3(), b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const FourMomentum& a, const FourVector& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(a.vector3(), b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const FourVector& a, const Vector3& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(a.vector3(), b, sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const Vector3& a, const FourVector& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(a, b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const FourMomentum& a, const Vector3& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(a.vector3(), b, sign);
inline double deltaPhi(const Vector3& a, const FourMomentum& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaPhi(a, b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaEta(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(a.vector3(), b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaEta(const FourMomentum& v, double eta2, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(v.vector3(), eta2, sign);
inline double deltaEta(double eta1, const FourMomentum& v, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(eta1, v.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaEta(const FourVector& a, const FourVector& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(a.vector3(), b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaEta(const FourVector& v, double eta2, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(v.vector3(), eta2, sign);
inline double deltaEta(double eta1, const FourVector& v, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(eta1, v.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaEta(const FourVector& a, const FourMomentum& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(a.vector3(), b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaEta(const FourMomentum& a, const FourVector& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(a.vector3(), b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaEta(const FourVector& a, const Vector3& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(a.vector3(), b, sign);
inline double deltaEta(const Vector3& a, const FourVector& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(a, b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaEta(const FourMomentum& a, const Vector3& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(a.vector3(), b, sign);
inline double deltaEta(const Vector3& a, const FourMomentum& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaEta(a, b.vector3(), sign);
inline double deltaRap(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b, bool sign=false) {
return deltaRap(a.rapidity(), b.rapidity(), sign);
inline double deltaRap(const FourMomentum& v, double y2, bool sign=false) {
return deltaRap(v.rapidity(), y2, sign);
inline double deltaRap(double y1, const FourMomentum& v, bool sign=false) {
return deltaRap(y1, v.rapidity(), sign);
inline bool cmpMomByPt(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return >;
inline bool cmpMomByAscPt(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return <;
inline bool cmpMomByP(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.vector3().mod() > b.vector3().mod();
inline bool cmpMomByAscP(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.vector3().mod() < b.vector3().mod();
inline bool cmpMomByEt(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.Et() > b.Et();
inline bool cmpMomByAscEt(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.Et() < b.Et();
inline bool cmpMomByE(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.E() > b.E();
inline bool cmpMomByAscE(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.E() < b.E();
inline bool cmpMomByMass(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.mass() > b.mass();
inline bool cmpMomByAscMass(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.mass() < b.mass();
inline bool cmpMomByEta(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.eta() < b.eta();
inline bool cmpMomByDescEta(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.pseudorapidity() > b.pseudorapidity();
inline bool cmpMomByAbsEta(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return fabs(a.eta()) < fabs(b.eta());
inline bool cmpMomByDescAbsEta(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return fabs(a.eta()) > fabs(b.eta());
inline bool cmpMomByRap(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.rapidity() < b.rapidity();
inline bool cmpMomByDescRap(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return a.rapidity() > b.rapidity();
inline bool cmpMomByAbsRap(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return fabs(a.rapidity()) < fabs(b.rapidity());
inline bool cmpMomByDescAbsRap(const FourMomentum& a, const FourMomentum& b) {
return fabs(a.rapidity()) > fabs(b.rapidity());
template<typename MOMS, typename CMP>
inline MOMS& isortBy(MOMS& pbs, const CMP& cmp) {
std::sort(pbs.begin(), pbs.end(), cmp);
return pbs;
template<typename MOMS, typename CMP>
inline MOMS sortBy(const MOMS& pbs, const CMP& cmp) {
MOMS rtn = pbs;
std::sort(rtn.begin(), rtn.end(), cmp);
return rtn;
template<typename MOMS>
inline MOMS& isortByPt(MOMS& pbs) {
return isortBy(pbs, cmpMomByPt);
template<typename MOMS>
inline MOMS sortByPt(const MOMS& pbs) {
return sortBy(pbs, cmpMomByPt);
template<typename MOMS>
inline MOMS& isortByE(MOMS& pbs) {
return isortBy(pbs, cmpMomByE);
template<typename MOMS>
inline MOMS sortByE(const MOMS& pbs) {
return sortBy(pbs, cmpMomByE);
template<typename MOMS>
inline MOMS& isortByEt(MOMS& pbs) {
return isortBy(pbs, cmpMomByEt);
template<typename MOMS>
inline MOMS sortByEt(const MOMS& pbs) {
return sortBy(pbs, cmpMomByEt);
inline double mT(const FourMomentum& vis, const FourMomentum& invis) {
return mT(vis.p3(), invis.p3());
inline double mT(const FourMomentum& vis, const Vector3& invis) {
return mT(vis.p3(), invis);
inline double mT(const Vector3& vis, const FourMomentum& invis) {
return mT(vis, invis.p3());
inline std::string toString(const FourVector& lv) {
std::ostringstream out;
out << "(" << (fabs(lv.t()) < 1E-30 ? 0.0 : lv.t())
<< "; " << (fabs(lv.x()) < 1E-30 ? 0.0 : lv.x())
<< ", " << (fabs(lv.y()) < 1E-30 ? 0.0 : lv.y())
<< ", " << (fabs(lv.z()) < 1E-30 ? 0.0 : lv.z())
<< ")";
return out.str();
inline std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const FourVector& lv) {
out << toString(lv);
return out;
typedef std::vector<FourVector> FourVectors;
typedef std::vector<FourMomentum> FourMomenta;
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:17:18 +0100