file /home/anarendran/Documents/temp/rivet/analyses/pluginATLAS/
Name |
ATLAS_2017_I1624693_post |
Source code
import yoda, rivet, os
from math import sqrt
inFile = 'Rivet.yoda'
hists = inFile )
tags = sorted(hists.keys())
# probably more fancy than it needs to be ...
def getRivetRefData(anas=None):
"Find all Rivet reference data files"
refhistos = {}
if var in os.environ:
abspaths = map(os.path.abspath, os.environ[var].split(":"))
os.environ[var] = ":".join(abspaths)
rivet_data_dirs = rivet.getAnalysisRefPaths()
dirlist = [ ]
for d in rivet_data_dirs:
import glob
if anas is None:
dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, '*.yoda')))
for a in anas:
dirlist.append(glob.glob(os.path.join(d, a+'*.yoda')))
for filelist in dirlist:
for infile in filelist:
analysisobjects =
for path, ao in analysisobjects.iteritems():
aop = rivet.AOPath(ao.path)
if aop.isref():
ao.path = aop.basepath(keepref=False)
refhistos[ao.path] = ao
return refhistos
# get hold of relevant objects in reference data files
refhistos = getRivetRefData(['ATLAS_2017_I1624693'])
def constructDiff(hist):
'''This function produces a (data - MC)/sigma version of the Dalitz (2D) plot.'''
path_data = hist.annotation('Path') # data central value
path_stat = hist.annotation('Path').replace('d03', 'd04') # data statistical uncertainty
path_unco = hist.annotation('Path').replace('d03', 'd05') # data uncorrelated uncertainty
data = refhistos[path_data]
stat = refhistos[path_stat]
unco = refhistos[path_unco]
data_integral = sum([ p.z for p in data.points ])
rtn = hist.clone(); rtn.reset()
mc = yoda.mkScatter(hist)
for i in range(rtn.numBins):
sigma = sqrt(stat.points[i].z ** 2 + unco.points[i].z ** 2 + (mc.points[i].zErrs[0]) ** 2)
newz = (data.points[i].z - mc.points[i].z) / sigma if sigma else 0.0
#newz = (0.01 * mc.points[i].z - data.points[i].z) / sigma if sigma else 0.0
rtn.fillBin(i, newz)
return rtn
# this is where the magic happens
f = open('%s_processed.yoda' % inFile[:-5], 'w')
for h in tags:
if 'd03-x01-y01' in h:
hdiff = constructDiff(hists[h])
outName = h.replace('y01', 'y02')
hdiff.setAnnotation('Path', outName)
yoda.writeYODA(hdiff, f)
yoda.writeYODA(hists[h], f)
Updated on 2022-08-07 at 20:46:08 +0100